target="iSS Content">
Electronic Commerce. EDI
software. EDI Service Bureau. UCC-128 Carton Bar Codes. U.P.C. Catalog & U.P.C.
Software. Business information systems consulting, design, implementations. Internet web
site deisgn and implementation. Internet/Intranet firewalls. E-mail systems. cc:Mail.
Microsoft Mail. Enterprise solutions including: Fax Servers, Gateways, Centralized backup
systems with multiple client platforms, internet servers. Distributed internet access.
Microsoft Exchange Server. Windows NT & NT Servers. Windows 95, Windows 3, DOS, OS/2
and MacOS supports. Platforms supported include: IBM PC compatibles, Macintosh, AS/400,
System/3, System/3x, System/36, System/38, RS/6000, HP/3000. Applications/database
programming. Custom client/server systems. Platform interconnectivity. BBS. Internet
Infromation Servers. Fax Servers..
Electronic commerce, EDI, E.D.I., UPC, U.P.C., UPC Catalog, UPC service bureau, UPC
service, Electronic Data Interchange, ASN, A.S.N., Advanced Ship Notice, EDI service
bureau, EDI support, EDI software, UCC-128, NRF, UCC-128 bar codes, UCC-128 carton bar
codes, ASN software, ASN support, ASN services, bar code labels, Internet, web hosting,
intranet, internet web design, information systems implementations, information systems
design, firewall, proxy server, web site design, web site implemenation, IBM, IBM PC, IBM
AS/400, AS/400, System/3x, IBM System/36, System/36, System/38, Novell, Windows,
WindowsNT, DOS, Windows95, Windows NT, Windows 95, Lantastic, Netware, MacOS, Macintosh,
Macintosh networks, client, client-server, client/server, applications programming,
programming, foxpro, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro, RPG, RPGIII, RPGIV, RPG/400, CL, OCL, C, Turbo
Pascal, Pascal, Delphi, Clipper, xbase, dbase, database programming, Custom client/server
systems, Platform interconnectivity, BBS, web servers, internet information server,
enterprise backup, enterprise fax, enterprise fax server, enterprise Internet access
INDEX: Electronic
commerce, EDI, E.D.I., UPC, U.P.C., UPC Catalog, UPC service bureau, UPC service,
Electronic Data Interchange, ASN, A.S.N., Advanced Ship Notice, EDI service bureau, EDI
support, EDI software, UCC-128, NRF, UCC-128 bar codes, UCC-128 carton bar codes, ASN
software, ASN support, ASN services, bar code labels, Internet, web hosting, intranet,
internet web design, information systems implementations, information systems design,
firewall, proxy server, web site design, web site implemenation, IBM, IBM PC, IBM AS/400,
AS/400, System/3x, IBM System/36, System/36, System/38, Novell, Windows, WindowsNT, DOS,
Windows95, Windows NT, Windows 95, Lantastic, Netware, MacOS, Macintosh, Macintosh
networks, client, client-server, client/server, applications programming, programming,
foxpro, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro, RPG, RPGIII, RPGIV, RPG/400, CL, OCL, C, Turbo Pascal,
Pascal, Delphi, Clipper, xbase, dbase, database programming, Custom client/server systems,
Platform interconnectivity, BBS, web servers, internet information server, enterprise
backup, enterprise fax, enterprise fax server, enterprise Internet access